Thursday, July 17, 2014

ASP Alumni Day Storify

On Saturday, July 12, the ASP 2014 community welcomed all Alumni to come and visit the St. Paul's School campus and enjoy a day filled with fun included a soccer game, an ultimate frisbee game, and a talent show. The Alumni who visited saw friends, interns, and teachers from the year they attended the ASP. Check out our social media, storify recap below!

1 comment:

  1. Meaghan! This was really need to see! I love the variety of posts you included in this Storify, ranging from pictures to twitter posts, to funny memories. Looking through this, I got a glimpse of our own future for when we decide to come back for Alumni Day! I also really appreciate your efforts in finding these posts, because I know you had to search for them! Great job Meaghan :)
